I am sore from playing football yesterday. The first game of the season is always like that. Crazy, eh?
This is the official "Just a Show" blog. Find out more about "Just a Show" at Shawn is bald.
I am sore from playing football yesterday. The first game of the season is always like that. Crazy, eh?
Here is a brutal review of Epsiode 17 from our director/consultant John... Keith.. Watched the show last night. Sorry, its so late but I had stuff going on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. You had said you didn't like this show as much as you had others.. Now, I know why you said that. First off, my biggest complaint is WHERE'S THE BUG? The bug is important.. people channel surf. The show is not familiar to a lot of people.. it's on at different times throughout the metro. We have to brand our product. People don't open up their tv guides and say "oh Just a Show is on tonight.", Look at all the big shows Letterman, Leno ect.. They have all the promotion in the world and have been on for years.. still they use the network logo bugs. We don't want to use the TV15 logo but why not use our name and/or web site. At least, people would get a vague idea of what they are watching. Viewers are savy, they look for things like that. Have I made my point! 2nd biggest complaint.. Learning Series.. Like I said before, it's not tv material. Writing is clever but you are not producing a magazine. This is TV, moving pictures and sound. Kill it! It made the show come to a complete stop and I don't think the show ever recovered after that segment. Actually, I fast-forwarded through the second half of segment. TV viewers watching the show, don't have that option. 3rd biggest complaint.. Now this is just my opinion but you ask for it so here goes.. too much "inside baseball talk." At beginning of show, Keith talks to Shawn about shirt he wore on the last two shows.. big ass deal ! Average viewer doesn't remember what Shawn was wearing on the last show.. You have to start the show off on a big note. Talking about a shirt doesn't cut it, much less a shirt that no one remembers. When you introduced the autograph segment.. you said on the last show we had so much extra footage we want to show you more. Again, who is going to remember how much footage or what the footage on the last show. Just intro it as a bit. It was a good bit but don't tell people this bit was made up of the scraps from our last show. When you are talking about Camera 2 shot, are you talking about too much extra space on screen right? Random Acts of Kindness: You looked hot!! I mean sweaty looking. My camera work on this was horrible.. too shaky. Either I was still mad at you or I had too much coffee. Sorry about that! Other than my stinky camera work segment looked good. You had asked me to keep in mind areas of show where we could use more production like elements. I think we could do some music on top of segment with quick edits of city.. then start the mos. Maybe in between MOS' we could have put in some shots of you exploring city.. This would certainly add to the glam factor of the show. Closet Karaoke.. good comedy. But what was with the dreamy music off top? If you were thinking that would take us back in time, then we should have had some pop-modern sounding tune when we saw the present day karaoke singers waiting in line. Interview with magician/comedian .. good but he was a tough one.. his attitude.. and then him turning the tables on you and asking where the show was going. I know you are trying to be nice but when you get attitude like that, don't be afraid to throw some of the bull shit back in his face. You're good at being a ass!!! This guy was over the top. And for some reason, the interview seemed really long. On conversiation topics between you and Shawn.. they say on talk shows, that the hosts have to remember that the tv audience is part of the conversation.. treat the camera like you would a third host. Talk about things that the viewer can relate to.. Okay, this is one of the toughest critques I have done in a long time. It just seems like we took a step back on this show.. But we are only as good as our last show, so our next show has to rock!!!! ouch!
In the past week, I've had problems with my DVD Burner, my printer, and my big screen tv. What the f**k?
The Backstreet Boys are coming in concert on Saturday. I want to go! Is that strange????
When I was younger, I used to think that everything would make more sense when I was older/wiser. Now that I am older, I am more confused than ever. I've met so many amazing people in my life. I've had a lot of great friends, but I guess I'll never understand what makes people come into my life and what makes people leave my life. Is life just so incredibly random that everything that happens is just a coincidence? Why can somebody be your best friend one day & the next day it's all different????? I often wonder, is it me? Do I drive people away? Or are people just always moving on? It's confusing. Life is strange.